but what about me?

it's a beautiful spring sunday. the world's going to hell in a handbasket. i'm at work and feeling totally sorry for myself. i love feeling sorry for myself. i hate the war for illuminating how shallow and self absorbed i am. oh yeah, and i hate the war for killing countless numbers of innocent people.

ok. here's a list of things that make me feel good about life today. ok. me. because it's all about me me me.

this american life . this radio show is the greatest thing about america

mel's new diary entry. happy anniversary! mel and mr. sweets are everything that's good about couples and love.

the book "the god of small things." i know, i know, this book has been around for ages, but for some reason i didn't read it until this month. i don't want it to be over.

the easter candy i just spent four whole dollars on at dean and deluca.

my friend dave is talking to me again.

the plane ticket i just bought to london.
